Engineering Copywriter Blog

Content marketing tips and insights to help grow your engineering audience

What Exactly is Thought Leadership and How Can it Benefit your Engineering Firm?

If you have heard of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates, then...

6 Product Marketing Tips We Can Learn from Steve Jobs

Apple has always been a marketing powerhouse. This fact is credited largely to...

March 15, 2021

How To Create The Best Marketing Content For Engineers

Engineering is about solving problems efficiently and effectively. As a result, engineers tend...

6 Secrets for Discovering the Right Tone of Voice for Your Copy

Did someone ever tell you to be careful about your tone of voice?...

Is an SEO Strategy Really That Important?

Short answer: yes. If you’re trying to promote an engineering business online, you...

Are Hyperloops the Next Evolution in Transportation?

Despite the recent fascination with the topic, hyperloops are not a new idea....