Engineering Copywriter Blog

Content marketing tips and insights to help grow your engineering audience

July 22, 2022

Reasons Why You Need a White Paper Copywriter

White Paper Copywriter

For decades, white papers have helped buyers choose the best products and vendors to work with. Savvy businesses, in turn, recognize how important it can be to hire a white paper copywriter for their content marketing efforts. Well-written white papers can become critical components of your promotional toolset. Whether targeting customers at the peak, center, or base of the marketing funnel, these white papers share a common purpose; each one is meant to outline a specific challenge and present a solution.

Some industries generate more demand for white papers than others. In many cases, the readers are planning to invest significant amounts of money into new products or technologies; they want to learn as much about the topic as they can before making a purchase.

As a marketer, it’s important for you to understand the value of high-quality, compelling white papers. Customers may default to your competitors if your papers are poorly written or if you fail to create any in the first place. But that raises an obvious problem: most companies simply lack the internal resources to put out enough quality content to stay competitive. That’s where the professional white paper copywriter comes in.

Here are the reasons why you need a white paper copywriter for your lead magnet.

1. Hiring a skilled white paper copywriter saves you time

White Paper CopywriterA solid white paper takes time to research and draft. Do your employees actually have work hours to spare? What happens to the rest of their everyday tasks when this writing job is added to the list? Occasionally, one of your team members may be able to step up or put in extra hours, but that’s often not the case. Hiring an external white paper copywriter eliminates much of the worry and doesn’t put extra burdens on your own people. Moreover, an experienced copywriter will get the job done quicker.

A solid white paper takes time to research and draft. Do your employees actually have work hours to spare? What happens to the rest of their everyday tasks when this writing job is added to the list? Occasionally, one of your team members may be able to step up or put in extra hours, but that’s often not the case. Hiring an external white paper copywriter eliminates much of the worry and doesn’t put extra burdens on your own people. Moreover, an experienced copywriter will get the job done quicker.

2. They function as neutral third parties

You and your firm have solid ideas on how to improve your products or services. White papers are meant to communicate those ideas, but sometimes you’re simply too close to the project. An external copywriter can serve as an unbiased voice. They won’t have preconceptions or internal perspectives, so they can examine your story without any inherent baggage or assumptions.

3. They think like your audience

When in-house employees write a white paper, they tend to write from the firm’s perspective. A professional white paper copywriter, on the other hand, will look at what you’re trying to say from the perspective of your target audience. In doing so, they’ll focus on what’s most relevant to customers.

4. They’re objective and interested in all of the facts

White Paper CopywriterWhite paper copywriters have a responsibility to present your company as a trustworthy firm that provides a reputable product or service. They accomplish this by appealing to logic rather than emotion. Because they’re so intimately connected with the project, your own staff can form emotional attachments to the subject that will bleed through into the narrative. A professional white paper copywriter does not have the emotional connection to the product, so they’ll sound less biased. That’s not to say they won’t be looking out for your best interests, though. It simply implies that they will be able to reflect, consider all sides of the issue, and make fair judgments. As a result, the white paper will be much more effective.

5. They have excellent research and planning skills

One of the most significant benefits of hiring white paper copywriters is that they are excellent planners and researchers. They’ll start your project by putting together a strategy for everyone involved. This plan outlines all relevant tasks and assigns them to specific individuals. Next up is the research process. All vital information is meticulously noted so that it is easy to write on white paper.

6. They consider your marketing objectives and actions

Every white paper is part of a larger content marketing picture, so they must fit into your overall strategy. Skilled white paper copywriters know this and will provide you with appropriate assistance. They will create a document that meshes with your plan and functions as an effective promotional tool. If the concept doesn’t mesh with your strategy, they’ll help you brainstorm better options. Your white paper can only be truly successful if it works in tandem with your other marketing efforts. 

7. They know how to convince your customers

Even though white papers are not explicit sales pitches, they are intended to bring the reader to the conclusion that your product or service is worth purchasing. They accomplish this by gathering compelling evidence. To put it another way, they persuade the reader that your solution is the greatest or most practical on the market. Your copywriter will utilize a variety of strategies to achieve this, favoring facts over assumptions and laying out clear examples. They assemble the content logically, guiding the reader along a rational pathway to the conclusion.

What a good white paper can do for you

The goal is to use your white papers to market your products and services to prospective clients, stakeholders, and decision-makers. An effective white paper communicates and informs your target audience by providing them with intriguing, in-depth information. It should contain enough authoritative information to situate your firm as a thought leader on the subject. Every white paper can act as an outlet to convey engaging information about new products and services. Feel free to drop us a line today if you need a professional white paper copywriter.

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