Engineering Copy Writer

What to Expect When Aiming for Weekly Engineering Blog Content

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Blogging can allow your engineering firm to display and convey its expertise, and eventually establish itself as an authority in the engineering industry. Once you’ve demonstrated that you understand what you are doing, engineers will be more inclined to use your services.

Weekly Content

Figure 1. Impact of Monthly Blog Posts

According to a Hubspot research project, businesses that posted 16 or more monthly blog posts received nearly 3.5 times the amount of traffic as to those that posted zero to four articles. Those frequent posters received about 4.5 times as many leads as well. To realize the business benefits of blogging you must post at least once a week. Here are the things to expect when aiming to create weekly content on your engineering blog.

1. Take control and improve your brand persona

Weekly Content

Your company’s website is its public face. You have control over how you present yourself to prospective customers. One of the benefits of blogging is it enables you to create and manage your brand persona on the internet.

A brand persona is a reflection of a firm, including its objectives, how it wants to be seen by customers, and what it can provide. Potential clients will be able to learn more about you by viewing your articles. Customers can seek you out or simply discover you via your website and your social media profiles.

Engineering Content

2. Improved content marketing

Creating and posting weekly content to your engineering blog can be an important piece of your content marketing plan. This means creating a consistent stream of online material for your engineering readers. To boost the number of visitors to your website, you’ll need to produce high-quality engineering content.

By implementing a content marketing plan, you can draw customers’ attention to your ever-growing collection of content. Share the articles or links across all your social media accounts to reach as many people as possible. Your understanding of online marketing, SEO, and social network advertising will expand as you gain experience.

3. Improved website SEO

Blogging is beneficial for website SEO because it contributes to a variety of essential ranking variables. A consistent, high-quality blog can make a tremendous difference in your website’s search engine performance.

The more content you have on your site, the more crawling and indexing the search engines will do. This means that the more you post the better the crawlers will understand your site and the more likely they are to cite you as a useful source of information.

4. Acquire planning skills

Content marketing demands strategic planning but planning skills take time to develop.Content marketing takes more patience and persistence than many other types of marketing. You don’t get results right away. This implies that a content marketer must develop content that is strategic in nature.

Marketers must first identify their audience’s needs and the ways their content can meet them. They must also develop an editorial calendar to ensure that content is published on a regular basis.

5. Make more connections

Weekly Content

One aspect of weekly content blogging that may not be immediately obvious is the way it helps you engage with customers. Your brand will not only gain social media followers but can also invite genuine dialogue. Think of your weekly posts as conversation starters; it helps you meet customers and form professional relationships with them.

Other subject matter experts (SMEs) will regard you as an equal. If they consider your writing useful they may independently link to your articles, thus increasing your reach and improving your domain ranking and authority.  When you nurture that engagement with your readers, they will become your most devoted supporters.

6. Get recognized as an engineering expert or thought leader

Posting regular engineering blogs gives you the chance to work on your thought leadership. If you put up consistent and high-quality content, your engineering blog can become an engineer’s preferred source of information when they have a question.

You’ll see the results as increased traffic. When engineers see you consistently sharing ideas through your blog, you become a thought leader. You can further leverage your status as a thought leader by proposing new concepts and introducing new products to the market. The process takes time but can have huge payoffs.

7. Work with a team of technical writers

Creating regular weekly content for your engineering blog will likely require a team of technical writers. These technical writers are responsible for creating high-quality content that will satisfy your engineering readers. Once you assemble a flexible team of engineering writers, you’ll be able to put together a variety of content including engineering white papers and case studies.

If you don’t have enough in-house engineering writers, consider hiring technical copywriters instead. Outsourcing some of the articles will help you stick to a consistent publishing schedule.

8. Get more leads

Regular blogging will help increase your sales. When you publish regular weekly content, engineers will want to learn more about you and your brand. Many of your new leads will come as a result of your readers’ curiosity. 

A similar principle applies to partner sales revenue. Create weekly blog content that encourages visitors to interact with things your partner companies offer. You can also offer promotional codes and discount coupons to interested parties.

Benefits from creating weekly content

When you create and publish articles once a week, your company gains visibility across a larger audience. The firm’s influence will also grow over time with regular weekly blog content. Contact us today for help creating high-quality weekly content.

Picture of Dean McClements

Dean McClements

Dean McClements is a qualified mechanical Engineer, with a B.Eng Honors in Mechanical Engineering and over two decades of experience in the manufacturing industry.

Picture of Dean McClements

Dean McClements

Dean McClements is a qualified mechanical Engineer, with a B.Eng Honors in Mechanical Engineering and over two decades of experience in the manufacturing industry.

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