Engineering Copywriter Blog

Content marketing tips and insights to help grow your engineering audience

February 15, 2021

How to Plan Your Digital Marketing Strategy for an Engineering Audience

Planning is essential to make your digital marketing campaign successful for an engineering audience. Many companies invest a lot of resources to reach wider audiences, so before starting, you want to ensure your money is targeting the right niche. Here are some practical techniques you can use to plan your digital marketing strategy.

1. Identify and understand your brand.

The first step in planning your digital marketing strategy is identifying your product’s strength and establishing your company’s branding. Identify a core message for your branding and structure your marketing plan around it. How do you want your audience to perceive your company? Who are you and what do you offer? What is your objective?

Understanding your branding is a critical step to learning how to connect with your engineering audience. Decide how you would like to be perceived and how you want your audience to remember you. Branding is key to customer recall.

2. Research the competition.

Research the Competition

In refining your plan, it is also critical to get to know your competition. Observe how they position themselves in the market and how they convey their message. Look at their strengths and weaknesses and learn from either their efficacy or mistakes. Run a marketing analysis on your competitor and observe their strategies and positioning. Where are your opportunities? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How can you possibly take advantage? How could you be better? Those are the questions that can help you understand your digital marketing competition.

You may also take a look at how they invest their resources, how they are upgrading their tech, and how they present themselves to the masses. Do they dominate your niche? You may also want to search for gaps in the market that you or your competitor haven’t reached out to before. Are new markets emerging? Are there any new trends?

3. Know your market position.

In setting up your products, you must know how to position yourself in the market. Conduct a SWOT analysis to help you recognize your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. With this tool, you can evaluate your organization’s advantages over the competition, your available resources, any obstacles you’re likely to face, and what market trends you can use in your digital marketing endeavor.

You must clearly state your value proposition and know it inside out to communicate and convey it effectively. Why should customers choose you over others? How will your product help them do their job? Make sure you hit your differentiation points.

4. Plan out the right content.

Digital marketing covers several areas including content marketing, seo, branding, social media and advertising

After you know your branding message and your position in the market, you can choose the right digital medium for your content (i.e. YouTube, social media apps, LinkedIn, or your website). You can then identify which of these delivery systems you want to invest most in. Conduct some keyword research to plan out the right keywords to target. Study how your customers will find you through those keywords and match your SEO content with it.

Build a digital marketing strategy by learning how Google ranks web pages, how their latest updates affect you, and plan how frequently you will need to release content for each medium. A content calendar can be a helpful tool in planning and executing your schedule. This will be a trial-and-error process and will be refined over time. Make your content engaging, original, relatable, and factual. Showcase your company’s expertise and capitalize on that.

5. Set goals and evaluation metrics.

Set some goals for your digital marketing campaign. Remember that they must be measurable, and specific to the engineering and technical market. Set some metrics and benchmarks that are attainable. Don’t forget to set timeframes for these metrics as well. Try, for example, to achieve a certain number of website visitors within a set period.

Analyze your results to get a clear picture of how well your strategy is working. Paid media advertising is expensive, so you must know you’re being effective in reaching the engineering, technical, maintenance, or research teams with whom you wish to engage. If some of your strategies turn out to be ineffective, you can reallocate assets or implement a course of action that will help them perform better.

6. Evaluate your website’s user experience.

Evaluate Your Website
As a part of your digital marketing strategy, you might want to check on the speed at which your website operates. Your customer’s experience with your website is important as many companies lose business due to lagging pages, or a delayed response at checkout.

There are free and premium tools available in the market to test out your website’s speed. Run an analysis of your site’s performance. You don’t want to lose a customer just because your checkout page loads slowly, right? These are precious seconds you don’t want to risk. Increase and optimize your conversion rate by making sure that these kinds of problems don’t show up on your website. These are small tweaks that can make a difference in your target customers’ purchasing decisions.

7. Make sure to convert leads.

Make sure that your website offers a call to action with every visit, be it getting simple email information for your CRM or generating an actual sale. You may do this by offering a free e-book download or a free report, technical manual, or subscription to newsletters. Don’t lose a lead because your site has no built-in conversion methods. If you are selling a product or service, you can start by gathering information about your client, even if you don’t close a sale immediately. Build an email list and nurture that audience. You already have your foot in their inbox. Strengthen your digital marketing by not only leading people to your site but actually converting them into an audience that you can nurture and eventually win over.

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