Engineering Copy Writer

Guide to Asking Your Customer For An Engineering Case Study

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An engineering case study helps improve the marketing strategy of engineering firms. Case studies, according to Marketing Insider Group, are rated among the most effective methods of content marketing when it comes to helping customers make a decision. As an engineer or an engineering firm, it is your duty to infuse case studies into your marketing strategy to improve the quality of service you offer. You, however, need the approval of your customers when coming up with case studies for engineering content.

For an engineering company, case studies show potential clients why they should trust and work with them. So, if you’ve got a happy client and would love to use them as a case study for marketing but have no idea how to get their approval, read this.

Setting yourself up for success 

Managing the content creation of an engineering firm requires a lot of attention to detail, especially with writing case studies in order to get them right. Case studies are easier when you pre-plan for them.

For example, when there is a high chance that a project will succeed, you can add a case study clause in your contract from the start. That way, you don’t have to coax customers for a case study when your business is concluded. Moreover, your clients are informed before time, and, therefore, the case study request does not catch them by surprise.

Clients’ pain points and how to counteract them

Otherwise, many things can make your customer say no to your request for anengineering case study. Here are some of them, with tips on how to respond:

  • Fear of what you’ll write: Sometimes, clients are afraid that the case study will make them look bad, especially if they hired you to fix a problem. You counteract this fear by assuring them they’ll be the hero of the story. Also, show them why you chose them for the study, and promise that you will publish what they approve.
  • Fear of leaking confidential information: Your customer may be afraid that sensitive business metrics will be leaked. Even if the metrics are commendable, they fear that it’ll give their competitors an edge over them. Counteract this by offering to present the metrics generically – for example, instead of a direct figure, give a range. In addition, you can ask for quotes to boost your credibility and remove data in exchange.
  • Fear of how you will use the case study: A customer may be afraid that their competitors will see how good you are and hire you, and probably get better results. You can lessen this fear by proposing to make sensitive data anonymous or outrightly telling them how you’ll use the study.
  • Fear that the interview will waste their time: Sometimes, a client has no objection other than not having time for an interview. They are not ready for a study that will need them hands-on or willing to commit to a project that will go on for months. You can counteract this fear by giving a timeline for publishing the case study. Also, you can alleviate their concern by putting a time to the interviews, thirty minutes maximum. In addition, you can tell them all they have to do is answer your questions; you will do everything else.

A step-by-step guide to getting clients’ permission for an Engineering case study in engineering

The best way to get a client to agree to a case study is by putting yourself in their shoes. Consider yourself in their situation; would you agree to a case study? If no, why not? If yes, why? If you can get answers to these questions, the problem is half-solved. So, without wasting time, let’s take you through our step-by-step guide to getting permission to use your customer for an engineering case study.

Step 1: Layout the benefits

First, understand that the case study is not about you but the client. Many content writers who fail at this usually only think about what’s in it for them. While this case study is indeed aimed at getting you more clients, you have to set that ambition aside for a moment. Sometimes, clients feel they already did you a favor by hiring you, and they don’t want to give you another – especially if it’ll take up their time.

Therefore, rather than talk about how the case study will benefit you, talk about what’s in it for them. Talk about the victory you won for your customers, celebrate it with them, then explain how both of you can benefit from an excellent case study.

Step 2: Let customers know their input is encouraged

You have to let your customers know that their input is valued towards ensuring quality service. Most importantly, assure them that their approval will be sought before the final draft is published.

Step 3: Formulate a convincing pitch

If you’ve figured out clients’ fears, how to ease them, and how the case study benefits them, it is time to write your pitch. Your case study pitch is an official request; it should follow these rules:

  •      –  Appreciate them in advance;
  •      –  Establish the case study benefits;
  •      –  Tell them why you’re writing the case study;
  •      –  Don’t make the pitch too long;
  •      –  Give them a timeline for the case study

Having a convincing pitch helps to bring your customers on the same page. The pitch states what the case study is about, and why customers input is essential. It also states what and how the information provided is to be used. To get your client’s permission for a case study, you have to focus on how the case study can benefit them and not just your engineering company alone.

In conclusion, writing an engineering case study requires attention to detail, and that’s why some people think it is hard. Actually, when planned and executed well it’s not as tough as it seems. We believe this article can help you overcome obstacles in getting a case study approval from your customer.

When your customer approves, you can then go ahead and begin the interviews, writing, and publishing. You can hire an engineering copywriter to do the writing for you to get optimal results. Then, you can publish your completed case study to your website, share it with other customers, your team, and your target audience.

Picture of Dean McClements

Dean McClements

Dean McClements is a qualified mechanical Engineer, with a B.Eng Honors in Mechanical Engineering and over two decades of experience in the manufacturing industry.

Picture of Dean McClements

Dean McClements

Dean McClements is a qualified mechanical Engineer, with a B.Eng Honors in Mechanical Engineering and over two decades of experience in the manufacturing industry.

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